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Std 678 Maths Dainik Nonthpothi

Std 678 Maths Dainik Nonthpothi
Human life is a collection of moments and I use each moments properly. In order to use each moment properly, I always maintain a daily routine.I get up early in the morning. Then I go out for a walk in the open air. After having my breakfast, I go on with my studies and prepare my homework. Then I have my bath. After bath I take my meals and rest for a while. Then I start for school and reach there at least ten minutes earlier. I sit in the front row so that I can follow my teacher well.Our school breaks up at 4.30 pm. I come home direct after school hours. Then I go to play with my friends. When the game is over, I come back home at dusk. I wash my hands, feet and face and go to my reading room.Just before the dinner I enjoy the  for half an hour. After having my dinner I go to bed at about 11pm. Before going to bed I plan for the next day’s activity. There are the various deeds I do every day.I like to help my mother in her work. I also like to play with my younger brother and sister. I have a flower garden in our house. I work there everyday. I spend my leisure time there and enjoy the beauty of flowers.Everybody has a daily routine to follow. The same is also true for me. I am a student of class 5. Every day I get up early in the morning at around 5.30 a.m. I brush my teeth and wash my hands and face. After that I go to the nearest park with my father and do some physical exercises. When I come home, I take a bath and get ready for school. I have my breakfast and then go to school.
I study in. I am in class 5 now. My school is about fifteen minutes away from my home. I walk to school. My school starts from 8.30 a.m. in the morning and gets over at 2.30 p.m. in the afternoon. After I come back from school I have my lunch. Sometimes I take bath after coming back from school. After lunch I sleep for an hour. At 5 p.m. in the evening I go out to play with my friends. I come back home by 6 p.m. My mother gives me milk to drink. After that my private tutor comes to teach me at home and she leaves by 8.30 p.m. When she goes away I switch on the television to watch some cartoon shows. After watching TV for half an hour, I do my homework given by my private tutor. At 10 o'clock my mother serves supper. After which I play a little with my father. I miss my father the entire day. So he gives me company every day after dinner. Then at 11 o'clock I go to sleep.Sundays and holidays are spent differently. We all go places in the morning and return before lunch. I enjoy my disciplined daily routine very much. That way I don't miss out on anything.

Std 678 Maths Dainik Nonthpothi  
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