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Std 8 Science Unit test Chpater 13

Unit test for Std 8 Science Subject
Read: Take out time to read a variety of text from newspapers, magazines, novels, etc, every day. While reading, notice the structure of the narrative and the tone used for different articles by the authors. If you don’t understand a particular word, look it up immediately in the dictionary. This exercise will help you get an idea of different writing styles and structures and improve your vocabulary.
Write: Start writing! Pick a topic at random and write whatever you know about it. The Staff Selection Commission has introduced the descriptive paper in order to test the writing abilities of their candidates, since they will be required to write official communiqués once they’re selected for a post. So, start writing essays on current topics.
Edit: Once you’re done writing, edit the copy and give it a proper structure. Editing essentially means discarding words or paragraphs from your essay that don’t support the main idea, putting it in a proper structure and checking for grammatical mistakes. Once you have structured your writing, discard unwanted details and check to ensure there are no grammatical mistakes.It’s now time to get your writing analysed by another person.
Analyse and evaluate: It’s a good idea to let another person (preferably one who is good at writing) analyse and evaluate your writing. Feedback is essential to know what your writing is lacking and to make it better. Take the feedback in a positive spirit, improvise your writing and avoid making the same mistakes again.
Practice: Continue this cycle of writing, editing, analysing and evaluating till you’re satisfied with your essay or précis. Practice reading every day and writing as many essays and précis as possible.

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